Ability to select individuals for Email

Posted almost 5 years ago by FCACC Volunteer Coordinator

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FCACC Volunteer Coordinator

 It would be a huge time saver if there was a way to "FLAG" individuals with the ability to then email that group of "FLAGGED" individuals.


While going through and approving hours and noticing several individuals forgot to log out,  a site manager could flag those individuals and then email blast them vs having to email each person individually.

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Ali Pettigrew

Ali Pettigrew posted about 4 years ago Admin

Hi Beth,

Your request is different than Andrew's so let's unpack it a little. Can you tell me more about how ideally you would view the correct users in the email blast area without searching them by email? I want to make sure I'm fully understanding!

This will likely turn out to be an enhancement request as we only have the ability to message one user at a time, or through the user filter in the email blast area. For esample, with the email blast tool, if you tag each user that has attended the class, you will be able to say, email all users with this tag. That would be our best recommendation on how to accomplish what you are describing within the current capabilities of the software.



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BETH GODAVARTI posted about 4 years ago

I want to be able to email volunteers after they take a class. The email includes details about what they learned and what they do next.

Unless I'm wrong, I don't think the tag will help me with this. I need to be able to select individual volunteers based on our sign in sheets. I can't do it based on the response or need because not all the volunteers who respond come to class.

Is there someway to do this through Galaxy so I don't need to type in every email address?

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Ali Pettigrew

Ali Pettigrew posted almost 5 years ago Admin

Hi there! 

Good news, the software does have the ability to tag specific user accounts and then email those specific people. This can only be done in the user area though or in the individuals user account. For more information how to tag users, please email support@galaxydigital.com and we'll be super happy to help out. 

I read through some of the history of this request and I can see where the existing ability to add tags is not quite meeting your need. Here is my proposed enhancement based on what I think your specific needs are: 

  • The ability to add tags to user accounts from the /managers/hours area of the software. 
    • Use Case: I want to tag all users who have pending hours so that I can email them. 

Please let me know if I'm missing any puzzle pieces to what you want to accomplish. 

Alternatively, a different request could be: 

  • Add the ability to email all volunteers with pending hour submissions to the user filter. 

Happy to help! 


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