How to Review Email Stats

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Wed, Feb 21 at 4:10 PM by Brittany Crow

 Heads up! This article is intended for site managers. Only site managers can access the Email Stats area for a site. 

Do you want to review how your emails are doing? Has an agency manager reached out to you about volunteers who aren't receiving emails from the site? You can check their stats to determine if they're being sent and received properly! Here we cover: 

How to view email stats

To view your email stats: 

1. Go to Communication > Email Stats

2. Click on the email blast Campaign Name from the table that you want to view: 

3. This opens up a window where you can review the status, sub-status, and the total statuses of that email blast:

So you know: You can see specific details about who returned which statuses by clicking Export in the Export column of the Email Stats table. 

  • You'll need to enter your email address and click Email Export to have the CSV sent to you.


How to view email stats for automated notifications

To view email stats for automated notifications: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Users

2. Click on the name of the user you want to view. 

  • You may need to search for their name first. 

3. Select Emails from the user profile.

4. You can see a list of the automated notifications sent to that user and their statuses.

What are the different statuses?

There are several sub-statuses for emails sent from your site; however, the two primary statuses are Sent or Skipped. The sub-statuses include: 

Sub-statusWhat does it mean? How to respond
SentThe message was sent but the system hasn't received an indication that it was delivered. Contact your email provider to see why the server isn't responding. 
BouncedThe message was sent but rejected by the recipient's email server. 
  • Check that the email is correct and that the user's email system and domain are active. 
  • Ask the user to check if their mailbox is full or if their "out of office" response is on
  • Have the recipient add to their safe-senders or "white" list
  • You can also clear the bounced record on your end!
Confirmed DeliveredThe message was sent and the system indicated that it was delivered. This doesn't require further action unless a user reports that they aren't getting emails even when those emails show as being delivered. 
  • Have them check all email folders to see if the emails are being rerouted
  • If they can't find the emails, they can contact their email provider to see why this status is being returned 
OpenedThe message was successfully delivered and opened by the recipient. No action is needed. 
ClickedThe message was successfully delivered and the recipient opened it and clicked the link. No action is needed. 
SpamReportThe message was sent but either the recipient or their email server flagged the message as spam. 
  • Have the recipient check their spam folder
  • Advise them to change their email settings to accept emails from and domains
Test AddressThe message was skipped because the recipient address was a test address. The system recognizes addresses ending in as test addresses and doesn't send notifications to them. 
  • If a test address hasn't been deactivated, you may see this status. 
Previous SpamReportThe message was skipped because the recipient or their email server flagged a previous message from your system as spam. 
  • The system won't send emails to this address until the spam record is cleared. 
  • Have the recipient check their spam folder
  • Advise them to change their email settings to accept emails from and domains
Previous Opt-outThe message was skipped because the recipient opted out of emails from your system. The user can opt back in from their user profile area. 
Previous BounceThe message was skipped because a previous message to this email address bounced. 
  • The system won't send emails to this address until the bounce record is cleared. 
  • Check that the email is correct and that the user's email system and domain are active. 
  • Ask the user to check if their mailbox is full or if their "out of office" response is on
  • If everything seems correct and the email is active—you can clear their bounced record
  • Have the recipient add to their safe-senders or "white" list
Invalid Email AddressThe message was skipped because the email address isn't valid. Check that the email is valid and correct. 
Skipped by Template RuleThe message was skipped because you, or a site manager, have deactivated the template.  You can reactivate a template from Communications > Notifications
  • Select Active from the Status column for the template you want to activate. 
Skipped by Domain Suppression
This message was skipped because you or a site manager have disabled email delivery from your main settings.
To enable email delivery to receive automated notifications from the site: 
  • Go to Settings > Main Settings.
  •  Under Site Information, toggle the button Off beside Disable Email Delivery.
  • Be sure to click Update Settings to save your changes.

A note about the Bounced status

If an email has a status of Bounced, then: 

  • Check that the email address is correct—no misspellings, correct domain, etc.—and that the user's email system and domain are active. 
    • An email may bounce if the email system is down when it should have been received. 
  • Have the user check to see if their mailbox is full or if their "out of office" response is turned on.

How to clear a bounced record

If everything appears to be in order and the email address is an active address that should be receiving the emails but isn't, then you can try clearing the user's bounced record. 

  • From the user's profile, you can manage their bounced record. 
    • This option only appears under Basic Info of a user's profile when they have a true bounced record

  • Instruct the recipient to add to their safe-senders list ("white" list).

So you know: We recommend white-listing email addresses that are approved for your site by using the Email From Address field in your site settings. For the best results, we recommend white-listing bounced emails and the email domain.