Requiring Waivers: A Guide for Agency Managers

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Thu, Jun 27 at 4:26 PM by Brittany Crow

 Heads up! This article is intended for Agency Managers. If you're a Site Manager, please click here. 

You, other Agency Managers, or a Site Manager can require waivers or other documents for individual volunteer Needs. These waivers are attached to the bottom of the Need Response form when a volunteer responds to a Need. They must complete these waivers to sign up for the Need. They also appear in the Check-In Kiosk when a volunteer checks in for a Need, if they haven't already completed the waiver beforehand. 

    As an Agency Manager, you can add clickwrap waivers to your Agency Needs. Using clickwrap waivers, your volunteers mark a box to indicate they agree to the waiver. Clickwrap waivers can be added to each unique Need that you post. 

    Your Site Manager may also create an eSign waiver for you to use. With this option, volunteers can electronically sign, initial, date, and submit an electronic document. Here we cover: 

  So you know: 

  • We typically recommend using clickwrap waivers for Agency Managers. 
    • They are easier to manage and set up yourself without getting your Site Manager involved!
    •  However, if you need electronically signed documents, check with your Site Manager about setting up an eSign waiver. 
  • Some sites have language overrides in place. 
    • This means you might see Opportunities in place of Needs, Prerequisites in place of Qualifications, Programs in place of Agencies, and so on. 
    • Only Site Managers can request language overrides for their sites. 

Adding clickwrap waivers to Needs

When a Need has a clickwrap waiver attached, the volunteer sees the following checkbox at the end of their Need response form:

So you know: This waiver is required for the volunteer. 

  • They won't be able to complete their Need response until they've marked the waiver check box. 
  • The waiver statement is a link. 
    • Volunteers can click the link to view the waiver before agreeing to it. 
    • They must agree to your clickwrap waiver each time they respond to one of your Needs, even if they've agreed to it before.

How to add a clickwrap waiver to a Need

To get started: 

1. Go to My Agency > Needs.  

2. Select Edit for the Need you wish to add a waiver to.

  • A clickwrap waiver can also be added when you create a new Need. 
  • Click here for more information about creating Needs for your Agency! 

3. Scroll to the bottom of the Update Need form.

4. Click Choose File beside the Waiver field. 

  • You can upload a .doc, .docx, and .pdf here. 

5. Select the file you wish to upload by either double-clicking it or clicking it and then hitting Open

6. Click Update Need

  • If the Need already has volunteer responses, consider checking the box beside Notify respondents of this update? before you hit Update Need.

So you know: You can come back to the waiver area of the Update Need form and click delete beside the file you uploaded if you want to delete that waiver or replace it for that Need.

  • If a volunteer already responded to the Need and completed the original waiver, it won't delete their response for that Need. 
    • Volunteers can go to the Qualifications area of their profile and complete the waiver.

Adding eSign waivers to Needs

If you are interested in this option, contact your Site Manager! Only Site Managers can create an eSign Waiver.


If the Site Manager has created eSign waivers and assigned them to a qualification, you can select that qualification for your Agency's Needs. You and other Agency Managers can't create this type of qualification, so please contact your site manager if you want this option available for your Agency's Needs. 

So you know: 

  • Once these are assigned to a Need, they're required before the volunteer can complete the response process. 
  • After completing an eSign waiver, the volunteer won't have to re-accomplish it to respond to other Needs with the same waiver—unless the waiver qualification has a set expiration date. 
  • The Qualification selection field is only available once a Site Manager has created the qualification. 

How to add an eSign waiver to a Need

After a Site Manager creates a waiver qualification for the site, you can add an eSign waiver to either new Needs or existing ones from your Agency Manager dashboard! Be sure to contact your site manager to discuss adding waiver qualifications to the site if it would benefit your Agency! To get started: 

1. Go to My Agency > Needs.  

2. Select Edit for the Need you wish to add an eSign waiver to. 

  • You can also create a new Need and add the eSign waiver to it! Want more information about creating new Needs as an Agency Manager? Click here

3. Scroll to the Qualifications field on the Update Need or Create Need form. 

4. Select the waiver qualification from the Select Qualifications dropdown. 

  • You can assign more than one qualification or waiver to a Need—this includes clickwrap waivers too. 

5. Be sure to click Update Need if you're adding this to an existing Need or finish setting up the Need if you're creating a new one. 

  • It's a good idea to check the box beside Notify respondents of this update? before you click Update Need, especially if the Need already has volunteer responses. 

The volunteer perspective

Here's how the volunteer interacts with waivers when responding to one of your Agency's Needs: