How to Create Waivers

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Thu, Apr 25 at 2:09 PM by Brittany Crow

Heads up! This article is intended for Site Managers. Only Site Managers can create qualifications and waivers. If you're an Agency Manager looking for information about qualifications and waivers, click here. 

You can set up waivers and waiver qualifications for volunteers to complete. Looking for information about setting up qualifications? Click here. Here we cover: 

How to set up a waiver 

You can create and assign waivers to qualifications as necessary too. 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Qualifications

2. On the Manage Qualifications page, click Waiver Setup

3. Select Add New Waiver

4. On the Manage Waiver page, start setting up your waiver: 

5. For Waiver Type, select if the waiver is for Adults and Minors, Adults Only, or Minors Only

Best practice: We recommend always selecting the Adult and minor option since the site directs the user to either the adult or minor version depending on their birthdate. 

  • This also helps you avoid any issues a user might run into if you do allow minors to volunteer on the site but they're blocked from continuing because an Adult Only waiver is in use. 

6. Name the Waiver. 

7. Click Submit

8. You'll be prompted to upload a .pdf of your waiver. 

9. Add signature and date fields for your volunteers. 

  • To add date, initial, or signature fields, click and drag the element you want to add to your waiver and place it where it needs to be in the document for signing:

  • Once you've applied the signature fields where they need to go, click Submit Page:

  • Now that your signature fields are in place, click Finalize Waiver(s):

 So you know: You can reassign the fields if necessary by clicking Re-assign Fields. 

  • If you click Finalize Waivers, you won't be able to re-assign those fields. 

10. From here, you can either create a new qualification to attach the waiver to or select Done.

  • If you select Done, the waiver appears in the dropdown menu when you create a new qualification and select Waiver as the question type. 

  So you know: Some sites have language overrides in place. This means one site might use prerequisites, another may use qualifications. Please contact us if you'd like to request any language overrides for your site! 

You or your agency managers can add clickwrap waivers to Needs. These allow you or agency managers to add content you want volunteers to review and agree to when responding to a Need. When agency managers approach you about requirements for their Needs, we recommend telling them about clickwrap waivers first. This is because they are easier to manage from the Agency perspective!

When this waiver is attached to a Need, the volunteer sees the following checkbox at the end of the Need response form: 

So you know: This waiver is required for the volunteer. 

  • They won't be able to complete their Need response until they've marked the waiver check box. 
  • The waiver statement is a link. 
    • Volunteers can click the link to view the waiver before agreeing to it. 
    • They must agree to the clickwrap waiver each time they respond to a Need, even if they've agreed to it before.
    • You can request a language override for the text "I have read and agree to the volunteer waiver" by contacting support! This change will be reflected for all Agencies and Needs.

How to upload a clickwrap waiver to a Need as a Site Manager

To view and share how agencies can add their own clickwrap waiver, click here

1. Go to Volunteerism > Needs

2. Select the Need from the table. 

  • You can also do this when creating new Needs. 

3. Scroll to the bottom of the Update Need form.

4. Click Choose File beside the Waiver field. 

  • You can upload a .doc, .docx, and .pdf here. 

5. Select the file you wish to upload by either double-clicking it or clicking it and then hitting Open

6. Click Update Need

  • If the Need already has volunteer responses, then you may want to consider checking the box beside Notify respondents of this update? before you hit Update Need