How to Deactivate a Need as a Site Manager

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Tue, Jun 11 at 1:50 PM by Brittany Crow

 Heads up! This article is intended for Site Managers. If you're an Agency Manager, click here.  

We know that sometimes—life happens! When "life happens" our plans and schedules sometimes have to be moved around a bit. So, what can you do if a Need must be closed or removed? You can deactivate it! Deactivating a Need is simply a way to remove or end that Need. You can always come back and reactivate the Need at a later time, if necessary. 

So you know: If you want to stop new users from responding, consider adjusting the Duration to be expired instead. 

How to deactivate a Need

To deactivate a Need, you can set its status to Inactive or click the Deactivate button at the bottom of the Need. Once inactive or deactivated, volunteers won't be able to submit responses or hours to it. You can still track hours for deactivated Needs in your Reports. 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Needs

2. Click on the Need Title from the table that you need to close. 

3. Change its status from Active to Inactive

4. Be sure to click Update Need to save your changes! 

✏️ Quick tip: It might be a good idea to check the box beside Notify respondents of this update, especially if volunteers have responded to the Need. 

So you know: You can also scroll to the bottom of the Update Need page and click the red Deactivate button. 

How to review inactive Needs

To review your inactive Needs: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Needs

2. Select Inactive from the Status column dropdown. 

  • From here, you can select an inactive Need to update it or reactivate it as necessary. 
  • You can also review any Pending Needs or filter the list back to your Active Needs with this column.