Signing Waivers

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 4:23 PM by Brittany Crow

Heads up! This article is intended for volunteers looking for more information about signing waivers. If you're a site manager looking for more information about creating qualifications and waivers, click here. If you're an agency manager, click here

Some sites may ask you to electronically sign a waiver before viewing or responding to a posted Need. These waivers and qualifications are important for ensuring you're prepared for the volunteer Need and that you meet any special requirements necessary for participating in the Need. 

So you know: Some sites have language overrides in place. For example, you may see Requirements in place of Qualifications. 

About adult and minor waivers

If a site has two versions of a waiver—one for adults and one for minors—the system first checks your profile for your birthday before giving you access to a waiver. If your birthday isn't available, then the systems asks you to enter it. Once the system knows your birthday it directs you to the appropriate waiver accordingly:

  • If you're over 18: The system directs you to the adult version of the waiver. 
    • After you submit the signed waiver, you're taken back to the Need page where you can respond to the Need. 
  • If you're a minor—under 18: The systems prompts you to share your parent or guardian's name and email address. 
    • When you submit that information, two things happen:
      • You're redirected to the waiver to sign your portion of it.
      • A copy of the waiver is sent to the email address you provided, and your parent or guardian are asked to sign and submit their portion of the waiver.
      • Once both you and your parent or guardian have submitted signatures, you can access and respond to the volunteer Need.

So you know: Some site managers will want to manually review the waiver before marking you qualified. This means that if you (and your parent/guardian if you are a minor) sign the waiver but you do not yet have access, it is most likely because the site manager has not qualified you yet. 

How to sign a waiver from My Qualifications

There are a few ways you may encounter qualifications for a site: 

  • Before you can view and respond to Need. 
  • When you respond to a Need with a qualification. 
  • By going to the My Qualifications area. 
  • When checking in for Needs through the Check-In Kiosk. 
    • You can sign an eWaiver in the Check-In Kiosk but not submit required qualifications for Needs. 

If you have any incomplete qualifications, you can always complete them from the My Qualifications area. 

  • This incudes signing any necessary waivers. 

1. Click your profile image or initials from the top menu bar. 

2. Select Qualifications from the dropdown options. 

3. This takes you to the My Qualifications area where you can review your completed qualifications or submit any incomplete ones. 

4. To complete a waiver, click the link beside Click to sign

5. Enter your birthday—this appears if the site doesn't have your birthday on file. 

So you know: If you're a minor, then when you enter your birthday, the system prompts you to include a parent or guardian's email address before you can sign the waiver. 

6. A popup appears to let you know that you're being asked to eSign a waiver—Click Continue to confirm or Decline to cancel. 

  • If you decline, you won't be qualified and won't be able to respond to Needs with that qualification or waiver attached. 

7. Review the waiver and fill out any required fields—usually your signature, initials, and date. 

8. Click Complete Signing

  • Another popup appears asking you to confirm your selection. 
  • Depending on how the qualification or waiver's approval settings are, you may have to wait for a site manager to approve it before you can respond to a Need that has that waiver attached. 
  • You can always come back and check the status of a qualification or waiver on the My Qualifications page. 

So you know: 

  • If a Need has an attached qualification, then you're prompted to submit that qualification—or waiver—when you click Respond for that Need. 
    • The process for signing the waiver is the same from there as it is from the My Qualifications area—i.e., provide your birthday, sign and date, etc.