Adding Need Responses for Volunteers as an Agency Manager

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Wed, Jun 26 at 11:56 AM by Brittany Crow

 Heads up! This article is intended for Agency Managers. If you're a Site Manager, please click here. 

How do volunteers tell you that they'll show up and volunteer? They do this by responding to Needs! Volunteers can view and respond to public Needs posted by your Agency on their own. However, there may be a situation where you're asked to help submit a response to a Need for a volunteer. You can always manually add responses for your volunteers right from the Needs area of your Agency Manager dashboard!

So you know: Volunteers must have a Need Response before adding hours to a posted Need. 

How to manually add a Need response

There are two pieces of information you must have on hand when entering a manual Need response for a volunteer: 

  • The email they registered with on the site 
  • The Need you want to add the response to
    • If the Need has scheduled shifts assigned, then you'll also want to know which shift to respond to

To get started: 

1. Go to My Agency > Needs

2. Under the Needs table on the Manage Needs page, there's a field titled Manually Add a Need Response

3. Use the Select a Need dropdown to select the Need you're adding the response to. 

4. If the Need has scheduled shifts assigned, another dropdown appears titled Select a Shift

  • Select the shift the Need response is for. 

  • If the Need doesn't have shifts assigned, then this dropdown won't appear. 

5. Enter the volunteer's email and click Add Manual Response

  • The site prevents you from adding a response if the volunteer isn't an active user with a registered email. 

  • If the volunteer is an active user with a valid, registered email, then the response you entered appears in the Responses window for that Need. 

So you know: 

  • A notification is sent to the volunteer to inform them that they've registered for the Need. 
  • A response just means the volunteer is scheduled and expected to show at the scheduled time for that Need. 
  • For more information about managing Need responses, click here.