Managing Volunteer Responses as an Agency Manager

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Fri, Jun 28 at 11:33 AM by Brittany Crow

 Heads up! This article is intended for Agency Managers. If you're a Site Manager, please click here .  

When a volunteer signs up for a Need, it becomes a Need response. You can review and manage responses, add default hours to responses, and email respondents right from the Needs area of your Agency Manager dashboard. Here we cover: 

How to view and manage responses

To get started: 

1. Go to My Agency > Needs

2. Click Responses under the Need you want to review or manage. 

  • This opens the Responses window.

The Responses window

Here is where you can review and manage your responses! 

✏️ Quick tip: Click the Table Filter to check or uncheck the columns you want displayed in the table.

  • The table includes important details about the submitted responses, like: 
    • Volunteer information 
    • The date and time the Need begins
    • Any additional information you choose to include with the Table Filter
    • Options for managing volunteer responses

Exporting responses

Do you want to download and print a sign-in sheet? Want to keep track of the responses your Needs have received for review or reporting? You can always export your Need responses to a CSV! 

1. Go to My Agency > Needs

2. Check the box for the Need you wish to export responses for. 

3. Click Export Responses

4. Click Email Export.

  • Your export is emailed to you when it's ready to download. 

So you know: 

  • Want the report to be sent to a different email? Just change the one recipient email before you click Email Export
  • You can check multiple Needs to download responses. 
    • Just know that this exports all of those responses into one CSV file. 
    • If you want to export them into individual CSV files by Need, then only check one Need before you export. 

  • You can also export your responses directly from the Need: 
    • Click Responses under the Need you wish to export the responses for. 
    • In the Responses window, click Export Responses.

Adding default hours to responses

We recommend, and encourage, that volunteers submit their hours. But, you can also submit hours for volunteers should you need to. This can be done right in the Responses window. You can add hours individually or in bulk to responses. 

So you know: Default hours equal the number of hours associated with a Need when it was created. 

  • e.g., If the default hours are set to 2, then =that's the number of hours applied to the volunteer's profile when adding default hours.  

Add default hours in bulk to responses

1. Go to My Agency > Needs

2. Click Responses.

3. Check the boxes beside the responses you want to add default hours to. 

4. Click +Add Default Hours

Add individual hours to responses

1. Go to My Agency > Needs

2. Click Responses

3. Under the Options column, click the Add Hours icon. 

  • You can also adjust the number of hours you want added for a response when adding hours this way! 

So you know: If hours have already been submitted for that response, a popup appears to inform you that the response already has hours associated with it and to confirm your selection. 

Messaging respondents

Do you want to email volunteers that have responded to a Need? You can send emails in bulk or individually right from the Responses window. These emails are sent through the site, so they have the no-reply email associated with them. Volunteers won't be able to reply to these messages directly. 

Best practices: 

  • If you wish for volunteers to reply to your message, be sure to include an email address that they can reach you at in the body of your message. 
  • Your volunteers may have multiple responses to different shifts for one Need. 
    • We recommend emailing them individually if you have important information to share with the volunteers about a specific shift they've responded to. 

So you know: When you email in bulk, the same email is sent to all users that you select when messaging them. 

  • This option is best when sending out a mass email that is relevant to all selected respondents. 

Messaging individual respondents

Message individual respondents when you want to share important information with a volunteer about a specific Need or shift they've responded to. This is also helpful when you want to reach out to volunteers about a qualification or if you have questions about their hours for a response, etc. Just remember that the email is sent through the site, so it appears to come from the no-reply email. You must include an email in the body of your message if you want volunteers to reply to your message. 

1. Go to My Agency > Needs.

2. Click Responses for the Need you want to message respondents about. 

3. Check the box beside the respondent you wish to email and click Message Responders

4. A popup appears asking you to confirm your selection—click Yes to continue or No to cancel. 

  • When you click Yes, an Email Responders window appears. 

5. Fill out the subject and body of your message, then click Send Email when you're ready to send! ✏️ Quick tip: If you include the Email column in the Responses table, you can just click the volunteer's email from there and directly email them from the Responses window too. 

  • The message still appears to come from a no-reply email when you send it this way. 

Best practice: It's a good idea to include an email in the body of your message that volunteers can reply to—especially if you ask a question and expect a response. 

Messaging respondents in bulk

Do you want to send a mass email with important details about a Need that volunteers have responded to? Sending an email in bulk to your respondents is a great way to share important information that's relevant to all respondents in one message! Just remember that the email is sent through the site, so it appears to come from the no-reply email. You must include an email in the body of your message if you want volunteers to reply to your message. 

1. Go to My Agency > Need

2. Click Responses for the Need you want to message respondents about.

3. Check the boxes beside the users you wish to message. 

4. A popup appears asking you to confirm your selection—click Yes to continue or No to cancel. 

  • When you click Yes, an Email Responders window appears.

5. Fill out the subject and body of your message, then click Send Email when you're ready to send! 

Best practice: It's a good idea to include an email in the body of your message that volunteers can reply to—especially if you ask a question and expect a response. 

Deleting responses

Did a volunteer reach out to tell you they can't make it to a Need they've responded to? Volunteers can, and are encouraged to, unregister themselves from Needs that they've responded to. However, you can also remove their responses if needed. 

1. Go to My Agency > Needs

2. Click Responses for the Need you want to remove responses from. 

3. Under the Options column, click the X to delete the response. 

  • A popup appears asking you to confirm your selection—click Yes to continue or No to cancel. 

So you know: 

  • If you delete a volunteer's response, any hours that have been submitted for that response are also deleted. 
  • The volunteer receives a notification that they've been unregistered for the Need when you delete their response.