Navigating Your Volunteer Dashboard

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Fri, Jun 2, 2023 at 9:47 AM by Autum Brown

Heads up! This article is intended for volunteers. Site managers and agency managers have different dashboard views from volunteers. 

Now that you've set up your volunteer account, it's time to check out your volunteer dashboard! This is where you can find Needs to respond to, check out agencies, see if there are any upcoming events, and more! From the dashboard, you can review a snapshot of your volunteer contributions for that organization when you first log in. This is also where you can find important information highlighted in spotlights, etc. 

So you know: Every site is set up differently, so you may not see the same buttons in the navigation and the language may also be different. For example, some sites use Programs in place of Agencies and Opportunities in place of Needs. Some sites have additional buttons in the navigation and some sites have an image carousel that rotates pictures at the bottom of the screen—they may or may not be clickable images too. 

The volunteer dashboard

When you first log into your account, you can see your volunteer dashboard. From here, you can review your volunteer contributions, visit posted Needs, Events, and Agencies, and access your profile area to update it whenever necessary! 

Side navigation menu

Depending on how the site was set up, you may see more or less buttons in your side navigation menu. Here is where you can look for Needs, Events, and Agencies to get involved with! 

  • The display, filter, and search options change depending on which area you navigate to.
    • For example, the Needs, Events, and Agencies pages all have different filters available.  

How to search, sort, and filter Needs

Here we explain how to search, sort, and filter Needs. Use these same steps for Events and Agencies, as applicable. Once you navigate to the Needs area, you can: 

  • Type a keyword or phrase in the Search By field to look up Needs. 

  • Sort Needs by Newest First, Oldest First, Alphabetically, or Soonest First
    • When you sort by Soonest First, it doesn't include the Needs that are Ongoing—or Needs that don't have a specific expiration date. 

  • Select a Filter to narrow down your search. 
    • You can apply multiple filters too. 

✏️ Quick tips: 

  • You can also print a list of Needs. 

  • Want to change the way Needs are displayed? You can have Needs display in Grid, List, Calendar, and Map views. 

Top menu bar

There are several options in the top menu for you to navigate to. From here you can: 

  • Navigate to posted Needs by clicking Volunteer
    • This takes you to the Needs area that can be accessed from the site navigation. 

  • Submit hours for volunteer work you've completed by clicking Add Hours
    • This takes you to the Track Hours area. 

  • See a Calendar schedule with posted volunteer Needs you can respond to. 
    • Click View More on a date to see a list of available Needs, then View Details to see more information about the Needs and respond to them. 

  • Navigate to a Volunteer Impact Page (VIP)—if the site has created one—to see the organization's volunteer impact. 
    • Not all sites have set up a VIP, so you might not see this button as an option in your top menu bar. 
    • A VIP may include graphs, images, spotlights, videos, etc., to highlight an organization's volunteer impact. 

  • Review your messages.

  • Visit your profile area to make changes to your profile as necessary. 

  • Navigate to the help center for helpful resources like this one!