The Site Manager Perspective

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Wed, Sep 4 at 10:15 AM by Brittany Crow

Heads up! This article is intended for Site Managers. Only Site Managers have this view. 

As a Site Manager, you maintain the site and manage how it's set up for Agencies and their volunteers. Let's take a look at what the Site Manager perspective entails and where everything is for you to manage your site successfully! Here we cover: 

The utility bar

The utility bar is located at the top of your screen once you log into your account. This is where you make changes to your site's settings, access your reporting, and update your profile as needed!

View SiteClick this to see what your site looks like from the volunteer perspective.
  • You can return by clicking Manager

SettingsThis takes you to your site settings areas where you can establish: 
  • Site Branding
  • Approval Settings
  • User and Agency Registration settings, and more!

ReportsThis opens up your reporting area where you can review how your site, Agencies, Agency Needs, users, and more are performing! Here you can filter and export reports for your records. 
This opens up Domain Alerts where you can stay up to date on our planned outages for server maintenance and holiday closures. 
ProfileClick your profile image or initials to manage your profile or logout. 
HelpThis takes you to the Help Center where you can find solutions and helpful resources like this article! 

The side menu navigation

The side menu navigation is where you manage your Agencies, send email blasts, and maintain the content on your site. There are different sections you can manage, including Volunteerism, Communication, etc. Click a section to open its dropdown menu: 

VolunteerismFrom here you can:
  • Manage Agencies
  • Add benchmarks for volunteer appreciation
  • Review hours, Needs, qualifications, User Groups, and more! 
  • This is also where you manage the user accounts registered on your site
CommunicationThis section houses your communication features, including: 
  • Email Blasts and Email Stats
  • Notifications
  • App Messaging—if enabled 
  • Text Messaging—if enabled
ContentHere is where you can add some customization to your site, including: 
  • Adding a blog
  • Creating Custom Pages and Forms 
  • Uploading important documents via Files 
  • Creating Impact Pages to highlight your Agencies and their contributions 
  • Photos
ModulesHere is where you can find any additional modules you have enabled for your site. These might include: 
  • The Advanced Events Modules (AEM)
  • Surveys, etc. 

The dashboard

You can customize your Site Manager dashboard to quickly review your site's data when you log in. Depending on how you set up your dashboard, you can find tables and graphs with information about Agency performance, volunteer contributions, and more! Click here to learn about customizing your dashboard.