Reviewing and Approving Qualification Submissions

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Fri, Sep 20 at 10:47 AM by Brittany Crow

Heads up! This article is intended for Site Managers. Only Site Managers can manage qualifications and waivers for the site. If you're an Agency Manager looking for information about qualifications and waivers, click here.   

When you create qualifications for your site, you can set them up to be automatically approved, automatically approved if the correct answer is selected, or not automatically approved. 

  • If you opt to have them automatically approved, then once a volunteer submits a qualification response no further action is required. 
    • That is unless they need to resubmit because they answered the qualification incorrectly. 
  • If you opt to have them automatically approve if the correct answer is selected, then no further action is required if the correct answer is chosen. 
    • They shouldn't need to resubmit because you established which answer was the correct one when you created the qualification. 
    • The system only auto-approves their response if they select that answer. 
  • If you opt to not automatically approve qualification submissions, then you must manually review and approve them yourself. 
    • Agency Managers can't approve qualifications or waivers. 
    • Agency Managers can only see the status of a submitted qualification or waiver response. 

 Best practice:  We recommend making qualification submissions automatically approved to cut down on management for you! This is especially true for waiver qualifications. If you do choose to not automatically approve qualification submissions, expect to review pending qualification submissions a few times a week.

Here we cover: 

How to review qualifications

1. Go to Volunteerism > Qualifications

2. Click the Approval tab:  

3. Here you can review submitted qualification responses and update their statuses! 

Statuses and what they mean

There are six statuses to choose from on the Pending Qualifications page: 

QualifiedThis means the volunteer has met the qualification requirements and can respond to Needs that it's assigned to. 
Note: An automated notification is sent to the volunteers to notify them that they're qualified if you've set it to active.
PendingThis is the default status for qualifications that require your approval.
Note: Volunteers can change their qualification responses when it's set to Pending. 
Not QualifiedThis means the volunteer hasn't met the requirements for the qualification. 
  • An automated notification is sent to the volunteer to notify them that they're not qualified if you've set it to active. 
  • Volunteers can't edit their responses with this status.
Re-submitUse this status when a volunteer submits the wrong response to a qualification question and needs to resubmit their answer.
  • An automated notification is sent to the volunteer to notify them that the qualification status has been set to Re-submit if it's set to active. 
  • Volunteers can edit and re-submit their responses for the qualification from the Qualifications area of their profile.
ExpiredThis means the volunteer's qualification has expired. 
Note: With this status, volunteers can edit and resubmit their responses for the qualification in the Qualifications area of their profile. 
InactiveThis works the same as Not Qualified
Note: This status means the volunteer can't view or respond to the Need with the qualifications attached. 
  • They also can't edit or update their response to the qualification with this status. 

How to approve qualifications

You can approve or deny qualification responses from this area by selecting Qualified or Not Qualified from the dropdown menu under Status