Your Volunteer Roadmap

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 4:20 PM by Brittany Crow

Ready to get started on your volunteer journey? Here's a simple roadmap illustrating how you can start making a difference today! 

Step 1: Create you account. 

Step 2: Find the volunteer Needs that interest you! 

  • Once you've found a Need, respond to it! 
    • Responding to volunteer Needs is your way of letting the agency or site manager know you're interested in participating. 
    • Selected a shift for the Need? Great! When you respond to a Need with a shift and select that shift, you're letting the agency or site manager know you plan to attend and participate for that scheduled shift. 

Step 3: Volunteer! 

  • The big day has arrived! You've completed all of the registration steps and qualification or waiver requirements and you're ready to volunteer. 
  • When you're done, be sure to log your hours! 
    • At some volunteer Needs, you may check in and out at a Check-In Kiosk. 
      • While the kiosk captures your hours for that Need, it's still a good idea to always visit the Track Hours area to review your contributions! 

Step 4: Review your awesome volunteer resume!

  • Your volunteer resume keeps track of your volunteer impact. 
  • You can share your awesome contributions with friends, family, co-workers, when applying for jobs, or for academic purposes! 
  • If a site has enabled benchmarks, then you can also earn badges when you hit certain volunteer hour mile markers. 
    • These badges appear on your profile and in your volunteer resume if they're enabled for the site.