How to Review Your Hours

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 4:19 PM by Brittany Crow

Heads up! This article is intended for volunteers.

Once you've submitted hours for a Need you can come back to review them anytime. You can do this from the Track Hours area of your profile, by reviewing your snapshot from the dashboard, or by downloading your volunteer resume! Here we cover: 

How to review submitted hours

Track Hours area

To get started: 

1. Click on your profile image or initials in the top menu bar. 

2. Select Track Hours from the dropdown. 

3. Review your hours in the Volunteer Hours table. 

From here you can: 

  • Export your volunteer hours to a CSV. 

  • Add or delete hours. 

  • Select a specific date range to review. 

  • Use the Table Filter to add or remove columns from the Volunteer Hours table as necessary. 

  • Check the status of your hours. 

  • Make edits to pending hours. 

How to edit pending hours

Need to update an hour entry you submitted that's still pending? You can! You can't update hours that have already been approved, just the ones that are still pending. 

1. Go to the Track Hours area of your profile. 

2. Click the pencil icon under the Status column in the Volunteer Hours table. 

3. Make the necessary edits and click Update Hour Entry


When you log into your account, you can see a snapshot of your hours, number of Need responses, etc. 

Volunteer Resume 

You can download your volunteer resume to see information about your volunteer impact—including your hours.