How to Log Your Hours

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Tue, Aug 13 at 11:57 AM by Brittany Crow

Heads up! This article is intended for volunteers. If you're a site manager, click here. If you're an agency manager, click here.

After you've participated in a volunteer Need it's time to submit your hours for it! You can keep track of the hours you've worked from the Track Hours area of your profile. While you're encouraged to submit hours yourself, there are a few different ways they can be applied to your account:  

  • You submit them yourself after completing a volunteer Need. 
  • A site or agency manager submits them on your behalf. 
  • You checked in and out of a Check-In Kiosk for a Need and those hours were automatically applied to your account.

Here we cover: 

How to log your volunteer hours 

Are you submitting hours for a Need you responded to on the site? If yes, then:  

1. Log into your account. 

2. Select Add Hours from the top menu bar. 

3. Scroll to Hour Type and check Yes.  

4. Use the Select a Need dropdown to find the Need you responded to. 

5. Complete the Hour Details fields. 

  • If the Need had a scheduled shift, then when you select the shift you're submitting hours for, the Hour Details fields populate with that shift's information. 

6. Add a Description for the Need—this may be optional or required. 

  • Feel free to share your role or what tasks you completed for the Need. 

7. Answer any required Hours Questions as applicable. 

8. When you're ready, click Submit Hour Entry

So you know: You can get to the Track Hours area of your profile a few other ways, but the steps for submitting your hours are still the same: 

  • Click your profile image or initials from the top menu bar and select Track Hours from the dropdown. 

  • Click your profile image or initials and select Need Responses
    • Under Options in the Volunteer Responses table, use the Select an action dropdown for the Need Response to select Add Hours

  • You can also click +Add Hours on the Track Hours page—this just scrolls to the bottom of the page where you fill in the Hour Type and Hour Details, etc. 
    • This is best when you have several hours already logged and want to jump straight to the hours submission form. 

Individual hours

Did you want to submit hours for a volunteer Need you worked that's not posted on the site? If yes, then: 

1. Click your profile image or initials from the top menu bar. 

2. Select Track Hours

3. Scroll to Hour Type and check No

  • An Individual Details field appears. 

4. Enter the location where the volunteer Need took place. 

5. Enter the name of the individual who can verify your hours—e.g., the volunteer coordinator or site supervisor at the Need. 

So you know: The individual you list to verify your hours won't receive a notification about the verification step. This information is recorded so Site Managers can reach out to the point of contact to verify these hours if they choose.  

6. Share an email address for the individual who can verify your hours. 

7. Complete the Hour Details field. 

8. Add a Description for the Need—this may be optional or required. 

  • Feel free to share your role or what tasks you completed for the Need. 

19. Answer any required Hours Questions as applicable. 

10. When you're ready, click Submit Hour Entry.

Plus-one hours

Did you bring a friend to volunteer with you but they don't have an account? No worries! You can always add plus-one hours for them. These hours are linked to your account once you've applied them. To get started: 

1. Click your profile image or initials from the top menu bar. 

2. Select Track Hours

3. Scroll to Hour Type and check Yes

4. Use the Select a Need dropdown to find the Need you responded to. 

5. Complete the Hour Details fields. 

6. Add a Description for the Need—this may be optional or required. 

  • Feel free to share your role or what tasks you completed for the Need. 

7. Check Yes under Plus-one Hours

8. Enter the number of individuals that volunteered with you. 

9. Answer Who volunteered with you—e.g., family, coworkers, best friend, etc. 

10 Answer any required Hours Questions as applicable. 

11. When you're ready, click Submit Hour Entry.