Disaster Track: What is a Track?

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Wed, Nov 15, 2023 at 11:08 AM by Brittany Crow

Heads up! This article is intended for site managers that have the disaster dashboard enabled on their site. 

Now that you have the disaster dashboard enabled on your site, you may have noticed a new section titled Tracks. But don't worry, your volunteers won't notice any major changes to the site once you have enabled the dashboard. Here, we cover what a registration track is and how to manage it. 

What are Tracks? 

Tracks allow a site to have multiple pathways for volunteers to register through. But, rest assured! Just because you have Tracks now, doesn't mean the volunteer experience changes—as a matter of fact, they won't even notice a difference when using your site! 

  • Tracks are just a way for volunteers to provide tailored information when registering on a site. 
  • A disaster track collects additional information from new users when they register on your site in order for them to participate in the disaster relief. 
  • If you have the disaster dashboard enabled on your site, then you also have a new Tracks area and a disaster Track in addition to the standard Track. 

Click here to learn more about setting up your disaster dashboard. 

How to manage the disaster track

You can manage your disaster track at anytime, right from your disaster dashboard! You can also access and edit the disaster track from Volunteerism > Tracks

How to update the disaster track

The Options tab on the Edit Tracks page is where you can establish the general settings for that track: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Tracks

  • You can also access the disaster track from the disaster dashboard! Go to Disaster Dashboard > Disaster Set Up > Step 2: Review your Registration Track > Registration Track

2. Select the disaster track from the table. 

4. Ensure your status is set to Active during the disaster. 

5. Review or update the Track Name as necessary. 

6. You can set the disaster track to private by checking the Private beside Privacy

  • If you make the track private, you'll need to share it with potential volunteers or invite them to complete that track via the User Filter. 

7. Decide if you want the disaster track to be the default track when new users go to register on your site or not. 

  • If you toggle the button beside Set as default track to On, then the track selection dropdown is automatically set to the disaster track when a new user goes to register on your site. 
  • They still have the option to select the standard track option. 
  • If you want this to be the default track that users register on with the app, you'll have to enable it from the User Registration area of your dashboard. 

8. Review and choose which registration steps you wish to include in this track. 

  • Want to turn off Custom Questions? Toggle the button to Off beside Step 2. Custom Questions
  • Want to include qualifications? Toggle the button to On beside Qualifications

9. When you're finished making any applicable updates, click Update Track to save your changes. 

How to update standard questions for a disaster track 

The Standard Questions tab on the Edit Tracks page is where you can select which standard questions you want volunteers to answer when registering on your site through the disaster track. 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Tracks

  • You can also access the disaster track from the disaster dashboard! Go to Disaster Dashboard > Disaster Set Up > Step 2: Review your Registration Track > Registration Track.

2. Select the disaster track. 

3. Select the Standard Questions tab. 

4. Check the boxes under Show for the standard questions you want to include in registration. 

5. Check the boxes under Require for the standard questions you want to include and require for users in registration. 

6. Click Update Standard Questions.

How to update disaster questions for a disaster track 

The Custom Questions tab on the Edit Tracks page is where you can select which disaster questions you want volunteers to answer when registering on your site through the disaster track. 

1.  Go to Volunteerism > Tracks

  • You can also access the disaster track from the disaster dashboard! Go to Disaster Dashboard > Disaster Set Up > Step 2: Review your Registration Track > Registration Track.

2. Select the disaster track.

3. Select the Custom Questions tab. 

4. Check the boxes under Show for the disaster questions you want to include in registration. 

5. Check the boxes under Require for the disaster questions you want to include and require for users in registration. 

How to create custom questions for a disaster track 

The Custom Questions tab on the Edit Tracks page is where you can create custom questions for users to answer when registering through the track.

1. Go to Volunteerism > Tracks

  • You can also access the disaster track from the disaster dashboard! Go to Disaster Dashboard > Disaster Set Up > Step 2: Review your Registration Track > Registration Track.

2. Select the disaster track.

3. Click Add Registration Question.

4. Select the Status

  • Active: The question is active and public to users when registering through the disaster track. 
  • Pending: The question isn't active or shared publicly until you change its status to Active

5. Select the Type

  • Small or Large Text Field: This provides the user with a text field to answer the question in their own words. 
    • Select Small Text Field for shorter answers or Large Text Field to allow for longer replies. 
  • Dropdown: This option allows you to provide a list of possible answers for users to select from with a dropdown menu.  
    • An additional Options field appears when you select Dropdown, Checkbox, or Radio Button. 
    • Be sure to type all possible answers on separate lines. 
    • Only one answer can be selected with the Dropdown option. 

  • Checkbox: This options allows you to provide a list of possible answers for users to check from. 
    • More than one answer can be selected with this option. 
  • Radio Button: This option allows you to provide a list of possible answers for users to select from. 
    • Only one answer can be selected with the Radio Button option. 

6. Type out the question. 

7. Decide if you want it to be optional or required. 

  • Toggle to button beside Required to On to require this question. 

8. Decide if you want it applied to all tracks or just the disaster track. 

  • Check the box beside Apply question to all tracks if you want it applied to the standard track too. 

9. When you're ready, click Save Custom Question to finish. 

How to show and require qualifications for a disaster track 

You can select which qualifications you want to show and require for a disaster track from the Qualifications tab of the Edit Tracks page.

1. Go to Volunteerism > Tracks

  • You can also access the disaster track from the disaster dashboard! Go to Disaster Dashboard > Disaster Set Up > Step 2: Review your Registration Track > Registration Track.

2. Select the disaster track.

3. Select the Qualifications tab. 

4. Check the boxes under the Show and Require column for the qualifications you want users to complete when registering through this track. 

5. Click Update Qualifications to save your changes.

How to review a volunteer's progress in the disaster track 

You can also check to see where volunteers are at in the disaster track. 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Tracks

  • You can also access the disaster track from the disaster dashboard! Go to Disaster Dashboard > Disaster Set Up > Step 2: Review your Registration Track > Registration Track.

2. Select the disaster track.

3. Select the Volunteer Lists tab. 

4. Review the volunteer's progress. 

  • You can hide any volunteers that have completed the track by clicking Hide Complete

  • Want to export this data to a .csv file? Click Export

How to remove a volunteer from the disaster track 

If you need to remove a volunteer from the disaster track, you can quickly do so from the Edit Tracks page. 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Tracks

  • You can also access the disaster track from the disaster dashboard! Go to Disaster Dashboard > Disaster Set Up > Step 2: Review your Registration Track > Registration Track.

2. Select the disaster track.

3. Select the Volunteer Lists tab. 

4. Click the X under the Options column for the volunteer you wish to remove. 

  • A warning pops up asking you to confirm your selection—click Yes to confirm or No to cancel. 

Sharing the disaster track with volunteers

Want to invite users to complete the disaster track? You can! 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Tracks

  • You can also access the disaster track from the disaster dashboard! Go to Disaster Dashboard > Disaster Set Up > Step 2: Review your Registration Track > Registration Track.

2. Select the disaster track. 

3. Click the Copy Join Link button to copy the join link. 

  • Now you can share the join link with volunteers through email, messages, etc. 

✏️ Quick tip: You can also invite users via the User Filter! Click here to learn more.


The volunteer perspective 

If you want to try and register through the disaster track like a volunteer, you can! To test the volunteer perspective, just log out of your account and click Sign Up to start. This can help you determine which steps you want to include for volunteer registering through the disaster track.