Types of Hours

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Tue, Aug 13 at 11:55 AM by Brittany Crow

 Heads up! This article is intended for Site Managers. Click here if you're an Agency Manager

There are different types of hours that can be submitted on your site. While volunteers are encouraged to submit their own hours, there may be times that you or an agency manager have to submit hours on their behalf! Here we cover: 

The different types of hours you see include: 

  • Click here to learn more about submitting hours on behalf of volunteers. 

Types of hours on your site

Need Hours

The most common type of hours you see on your site are Need hours. 

  • These are hours that volunteers submit in response to an agency's Needs. 
  • Volunteers submit hours from their dashboard by clicking Add Hours and filling in the applicable fields: 

Individual Hours

Volunteers can submit individual hours to keep track of the hours performed outside of a Need response. Like submitting Need hours, these are accessed from the volunteer's dashboard by clicking Add Hours and filling in the applicable fields. 

  • These aren't required to be verified but users may add a verification person for these hours
    • Please note, that if the volunteer adds a verification person, that individual does not receive a notification. 
    • This field is available in case you or another Site Manager want to contact that person to verify those hours. 
  • Only the volunteers can submit individual hours for themselves. 
  • These hours are tracked on the site and displayed on the volunteer's resume. 
  • When you have Allow Individual Volunteer Hours enabled in your Main Settings, then volunteers see the option to check No for Hours Type when submitting hours from their dashboard:

Anonymous Hours

Anonymous hours are hours submitted on behalf of a volunteer who doesn't have an account on your site. Similar to individual hours, you must enable or disable these from Settings > Main Settings if you do or don't want them as options on your site: 

Plus-one Hours

Like anonymous hours, plus-one hours are hours submitted on behalf of a volunteer who doesn't have an account on your site; however, these are used when a volunteer brings a family member or friend with them to a Need. These hours are attached to the account of the volunteer that submits them. 

  • These are submitted by the volunteer when they Add Hours from their dashboard. 
  • The number of volunteers and who they are—i.e., family, friends, co-workers—is required for submitting plus-one hours. 
    • Here's what the plus-one section looks like on the hour entry form: 

Similar to anonymous and individual hours, you must enable or disable these from Settings > Main Settings if you do or don't want them as options on your site.