How to Approve or Decline Pending Hours

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Thu, Sep 19 at 12:01 PM by Brittany Crow

 Heads up! This article is intended for Site Managers. If you're an Agency Managerclick here

When volunteers submit hours for a Need they participated in, your Agency Managers can then approve or decline them. However, you may be asked to assist an Agency Manager with hours approval from time to time. As the Site Manager, you can approve and decline hours right from the Hours area of your site whenever necessary. 

How to approve or decline pending hours

Approve or decline hours individually

1. Go to Volunteerism > Hours from your Site Manager dashboard. 

2. Under Status, select Approve from the dropdown for any Pending hours. 

3. Those hours are now approved!

So you know: Follow the same steps to decline hours by selecting Declined from the Status dropdown. 

Approve or decline hours in bulk

1. Go to Volunteerism > Hours

2. Filter the hours to only show those with a Pending status. 

2. Select all of the users with Pending hours that you want to approve or check the box beside Users to select all. 

  • When you select all, it only selects all of the ones listed on that page. 

3. Click + Approve Hours

4. Those hours are now approved!   

So you know: Follow the same steps to decline hours in bulk by clicking the X Decline Hours button instead. 

Hours statuses

Volunteer hours will have one of five statuses:

Hours were reviewed and approved by an Agency Manager
Hours were reviewed and declined by an Agency Manager
Hours were entered but not submitted for approval
Hours were deleted by the volunteer, Agency Manager, or Site Manager
Hours submitted and awaiting review