Managing Volunteer Hours as an Agency Manager

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Wed, Jun 26 at 12:03 PM by Brittany Crow

 Heads up! This article is intended for Agency Managers. If you're a Site Managerplease click here.  If you are looking for how to add hours for a volunteer, please click here.

You can review and manage the hours submitted by volunteers from the Time Tracking area of your Agency Manager dashboard. This is also where you can add hours for volunteers if you ever need to! Here we cover: 

How to manage volunteer hours

To get started go to My Agency > Time Tracking

  • The Volunteer Hours table includes any pending hours awaiting your review and approval. 

Approving hours

You can approve hours in bulk or individually. 

How to approve pending hours in bulk

To get started: 

1. Go to My Agency > Time Tracking

2. Check the box beside each pending hour you want to approve. 

Quick tip: You can check the box at the top of this column to select all hour entries. 

3. Click Approve

  • A popup asks you to confirm your selections—click Yes to confirm or No to cancel. 
  • Once approved, you can review them from Stats > Hours in your Agency Manager dashboard! 

How to approve individual pending hours

To get started: 

1. Go to My Agency > Time Tracking

2. Under the Status column, change the status of the pending hour from Pending to Approved for the hour you want to approve.  

  • You can also click Approve
  • Those hours now appear in the Stats > Hours area of your Agency Manager dashboard. 

Best practice: Remember to check the date range your stats are filtered for when reviewing hours at My Agency > Stats > Hours

  • For more information about reviewing your agency stats, click here!   

Denying hours

You can also deny hours in bulk or individually. 

How to deny pending hours in bulk

To get started: 

1. Go to My Agency > Time Tracking

2. Check the box beside each pending hour you want to deny. 

Quick tip: You can check the box at the top of this column to select all hour entries. 

3. Click Deny

  • A popup appears asking you to confirm your selections—click Yes to confirm or No to cancel. 

How to deny individual pending hours

To get started: 

1. Go to My Agency > Time Tracking

2. Under the Status column, change the status of the pending hour from Pending to Denied for the hour entry you want to decline.  

  • You can also click Deny

The source column

The Volunteer Hours table includes a Source column. The Source column tells you who submitted the pending hours and how. This is great if you need to see if the volunteer added their own hours, or if a Site Manager or fellow Agency Manager added these hours on their behalf.

Added at: /user/hours/ by Kathy Batez
Hours submitted by the user by going through their volunteer profile and the hours on the Track Hours page. 
Added at: /need/ajaxAddHours/ by Beatrice Clearwater Updated at: /kiosk/storeCheckout/ by user 6098630Hours submitted by the user through the Check-In Kiosk. In this source example: 
  • Beatrice Clearwater is the Agency Manager who launched the Check-In Kiosk 
  • The volunteer hours were submitted when they checked out of the Check-In Kiosk 
  • The volunteer's user ID is 6098630
Added at: /manager/hours_edit/ by Arnold Sway Updated at: /manager/hours/by Arnold SwayHours submitted by the Site Manager through the Hours page. In this example: 
  • The Site manager is Arnold SwayM
Added at: /home/checkin/ by Kathy Batez Updated at: /home/checkin/by Kathy BatezHours submitted by the user when they used the Self Check In/Out to check out from a Need.
  • This is done through their Need Responses page.  
Added at: /need/ajaxAddDefaultHours/ by Beatrice Clearwater Updated at: /manager/hours/ by Arnold SwayHours submitted by you through My Agency > Needs > Responses > Add Default Hours. In this example: 
  • You or another Agency Manager added default hours to a volunteer response 
  • The Site Manager changed the status of the hours from Approved to Pending