5 Reports for Every Site Manager

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Tue, Mar 26 at 10:41 AM by Brittany Crow

Your volunteer management software helps you oversee all aspects of your organization's mission. A key component of that is Reporting. We know how important accurate reporting is in ensuring your organization stays on track and, for some, funded.

And we offer A LOT of reports to help make this part of your job easier. Seriously, there's a report for everyone in there! Since there are so many great reports, we've compiled a list of the Top 5 Reports on your site that every Site Manager should know. 

Most of these reports are individual reports, but there were too many great reports under Activity Reports and Data Explorers to pick just one. So, we included all of them in the top 5 list!

✏️ Quick tip: Not seeing the data you need? Check out our Custom Reports option! You dream it. We build it. 

Here we cover: 

Who has submitted the most hours?

The Volunteer Hours Summary report shows you which volunteers have submitted the most hours within a selected date range. Use this data to spotlight and celebrate top contributors on your site.  

What's new on your site?

Want a one-stop shop for all things new on your site? Your Activity Reports track important site activities—e.g., the number of new Agency registrations, new user registrations, volunteer hours, and more. Depending on your reporting needs, you can view these daily, weekly, monthly, or by Interest

  • Daily Activity: This report gives you a day-by-day breakdown of the number of activities that occurred on your site in a selected date range. 
    • Use this report to see how your site did during the holidays or other busy seasons. 
    • This report is great for weekly or monthly reviews. 

  • Monthly Activity: Want to see daily and weekly averages instead of a day-by-day breakdown? You can with the Monthly Activity report! 
    • Use this report to see how your site performed for a selected month. 
    • This report is great for monthly reviews.

  • Quarterly Activity: Want to see daily, weekly, and monthly averages for a selected quarter? The Quarterly Activity report is for you!  
    • This report is great for quarterly or annual reviews. 

  • Activity by Week: Want to compare activity on your site from week one and on? Check out the Activity by Week report. 
    • Check this report to see how many users, Needs, Agencies, responses, and hours were added week-to-week. 
    • This report is great for monthly, quarterly, or annual reviews. 
    • Please note that weeks with no activity won't appear in this report. 

  • Activity by Weekday: Want to see which days of the week your site sees the most activity? Check your Activity by Weekday report! 
    • This report is great for monthly, quarterly, or annual reviews.

  • Activity by Interest: This report can show you which Interests are important on your site.
    • This report shows you the Interest and how many Need responses and hours are associated with that Interest. 
    • This report is great to review quarterly and annually. 

Check-in on your Agencies!

If you want to check in on your Agencies, the Agency Summary report has you covered! Review this report monthly, quarterly, or annually. It displays how many views, Need responses, and hours, an Agency received during a selected month. 

Did they attend? 

Do your agencies post a lot of volunteer Needs with scheduled shifts? If yes, the Shift Attendance report can let you check the attendance rate for those Needs within a selected date range.

Let's explore your data! 

Your Data Explorers track important metrics you can quickly filter, export, and review whenever! Depending on your reporting needs, these are great to explore weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually. Data Explorers are all so useful, but we have picked the top 5 we recommend familiarizing yourself with! 

  • Users: If you're looking for detailed user information, then the User Data Explorer is just the report. Select the information you wish to display with the table filter and start exploring!

  • Needs: Want to see how well the Needs on your site are doing? Looking to find important information about Needs? The Need Data Explorer is just the report! Just like the User Data Explorer, you can select what information you want the report to display. 

  • Agencies: You can compare Agency performance with the Agency Data Explorer. Use this report to determine which Agencies are succeeding at their goals and which might need some friendly encouragement. 

  • Hours: See hours details for your site with the Hours Data Explorer

  • Responses: Check out Need response data for your site with the Response Data Explorer.

Bonus report—disaster reporting

There's just one more report we have to mention. I know, we said Top 5, but this report is only useful to individuals with the Disaster Dashboard enabled. If your site has the Disaster Dashboard enabled and you want to access data about disaster-related activities on your site for reimbursement from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), then check out the FEMA: Volunteer Data for Reimbursement report!