Top 3 Hours Reports

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Tue, Mar 26 at 11:12 AM by Brittany Crow


Keeping track of volunteer hours is essential to good reporting. If you're looking for reports about your site's hours, then we've got you covered! Here, we've compiled the Top 3 Reports on hours for you to review as necessary. 

✏️ Quick tip: Don't see the data you need? Check out our Custom Reports option! You dream it. We build it. 

Here we cover: 

Let's explore your data! 

To get started, let's look at your Hours Data Explorer report. This report displays who submitted hours to your site, the Need and Agency the hours were submitted to, and more! 

Who's submitting hours? 

See who is submitting hours on your site + details about the hours logged with the Volunteer Hours Logged report. 

Checking in on your User Groups

If your site has active User Groups on it, then the Hours by User Group report is just for you. This report displays all of the active user group members, their contact information, the number of hours they've each submitted, and if the hours are pending or approved.