How to Update User Information

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Mon, Aug 7, 2023 at 10:07 AM by Brittany Crow

 Heads up! This article is intended for site managers. Only site managers can add new users to the site and edit their information.

You can review and edit volunteer information from the Users area whenever. This is great for when you need to perform administrative actions for agency managers, such as: 

  • Reset a user's password
  • Update a volunteer's information if they need assistance 
  • Check a user's email status
  • Deactivate a user's account, etc. 

Here we cover: 

How do I view or edit volunteer information? 

To get started: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Users

2. Select the User you want to review or click the pencil icon under the Options column. 

3. This opens up the volunteer's profile area where you can make changes to their profile, update their password, change their status or user type, review their interests, causes, and availability, etc. 

4. Use the tabs under the volunteer's name to review their hours, qualifications, schedule and more: 

5. Be sure to click the Update button in the section that you make changes to, to save your edits! 

What can I do from the Edit User's area? 

Once you click on a volunteer from the Manage Users page, it opens the Edit User page where you can review or update the volunteers: 

  • Basic Information: Here, you can update their profile information, reset their password, or review their answers to registration questions, etc. 
  • Qualifications: This displays their qualification statuses, including any waivers they signed. 
  • Benchmarks: This shows any benchmarks they've received.  
  • Agencies: See what agencies they're assigned to or what agencies they manage.
  • Teams: You can see if the volunteer is part of a team and what agency and Need the team participated in. 
  • User Groups: This shows if they're a member of a User Group on your site. 
    • You can also add them to a User Group from here. 
  • Needs: This displays what Needs they've responded to—including shift information and status, etc. 
  • Schedule: This shows you a calendar view of any shifts or Needs the volunteer is scheduled for. 
    • You can also schedule them for a volunteer Need by clicking the blue Schedule button above the calendar. 
  • Hours: This is where you can review or add volunteer hours for them. 
  • Emails: Did a volunteer mention they aren't receiving emails from the site? You can check their email statuses here!  
  • Files: Want to upload important documents to a user's profile? Maybe you want to keep a record of their onboarding documentation, keep volunteer performance reviews, or share personalized training. Whatever the case may be, you can do it with files! 
    • Files can be set to private. When a file is marked as private, the volunteer won't see it on their profile and it must be shared via a shareable link. 
    • Public files can be viewed by anyone with access to the user's profile, including the user. 
  • Notes: Want to add notes to a user's profile that only you and other site managers can see? Use this tab to store those notes for quick access. 
    • You can also edit or delete those notes here.

How do I review a volunteer's email status?

Has an agency manager reached out about their emails or one of their volunteer's emails? You can visit the Emails tab from their profile area to check their status! Click here for more information about email statuses and what they mean. 

How do I see something from the volunteer's view?

You can always logout as a site manager and have a personal account on the site to see what the volunteer perspective looks like. If you don't want to use your own email address, you can always use an one! However, if you want to see what a specific user sees when they log into their account, you can always assume their role! 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Users

2. Select the User. 

3.Click Assume User by their name.

  • This allows you to see what your volunteers see!  
  • This is great when volunteers are having issues with their accounts, but maybe things look like they're working on your end. 

So you know: 

  • You're logged out of the site manager account when you assume the role of a user and must log back into your own account to get back to the site manager dashboard.
  • You can do this to see what your agency managers see too! 

How do I see answers to registration questions? 

You can review the information volunteers were asked during the registration process on their profile page under Basic Info

  • For a detailed view of answers to custom registration questions, see the Custom Registration Question Metrics report from your Reports area on the site.